"Wayne’s greatest gift is his ability to establish and maintain an atmosphere of trust in which writers feel free to experiment, make mistakes and grow. He gives each writer his full attention, enabling them to learn from each other, as well as from him."

~ Karen


Creative Writers' Workshop

This unique workshop has lifted six writers to publication in fiction, memoir, inspirational, and self-help genres.  An additional four are currently in process to that goal while others have written and shared personal projects for their families.  They credit the teaching, the camaraderie, and the consistent accountability for their success.

In this intimate, guided collective, writers are nurtured within their genre and format of choice (fiction or non-fiction) as they share written works for positive and constructive feedback. Writers discover techniques of revision and editing, along with healthy critique and communication skills while also exploring the writer’s market and competitions.

With no more than four participants, the variety of backgrounds, interests, and topics enhance creativity and knowledge for all writers. Works of up to 2,000 words are shared via email prior to class for advanced review, allowing the full two-hours for concentrated discussion.

This workshop is ongoing.  Current members have preference for seats, though openings occur for new members.


2-meetings / month, online Zoom workshop, $150

Class size: minimum 3, maximum 4
Day of week, time of class and monthly dates TBD by group members.  Always on a Monday-Thursday in afternoon or early evening.

Interested in participating or have questions regarding this workshop? 

Are you in a group of four writers who would like to participate in a workshop of their own?