Client Success: Vanderyt Publishes Memoir Sequel “Obsidian Rose”

“My inspiration for writing Obsidian Rose was feeling like I had unfinished business,” Karen Vanderyt said about her sequel to 2012’s Afterglow. “My writing process was smoother, probably because I had a bit more confidence after editing and publishing my first book, but also because I had worked through a lot of things emotionally.” Afterglow:…

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Second Nature

Rivaling the crisp new leaves flapping in the spring breeze, their noisy excuses were abundant. “Revisions take so long and winter was so short, and that’s my best time to write.” “I can’t focus on writing with a stuffy head. The pollen was the worst!“ “All that rain made me blue. . .” “And now…

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Just Now

Go. Out. Side. Waking up late today after a very full yesterday added to daylight savings time stealing an hour, I did my morning ritual in the afternoon — writing, drinking tea and checking in with the world online. My intuition kept nudging me: Get in the sunshine.  Make that the priority. Okay, okay. No…

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