Dead Air or Well-fed Relationship?

“Just the headlines!” Paige demanded, interrupting me with more brass than a marching band. I’d known her game through years of friendship.  As a retired broadcaster, she gets impatient with lengthy descriptions. “Okay, okay!”  I feigned defeat, waited for her reaction, then went right back to telling the same story, only faster. She tilted her…

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Three Bars in a Single’s Joint, Still No Reception

FADE IN: INT, INTOWN RESTAURANT, NOON PHYLLIS, a thirty-something single, sits with her best friend JANEEN eating and dishing. PHYLLIS So I order a martini last night and spot this guy on the other side of the bar… JANEEN waves for the waiter, who passes them by, and PHYLLIS looks at his behind, grins and…

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Catching Creativity

“Oh, have you got the crud that’s going around?” she asked a writer-friend while fearlessly hugging her. I cringed; I’d just hugged her and hadn’t noticed her having any flu symptoms.  I closely watched the interaction and told myself that she was tired, and yes, stuffy, but no, not the creeping crud.  Not submitting to…

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CUT TO: Your Dream of Screenwriting

FADE IN: INT.  AUDITORIUM Muffled CROWD NOISE as average-looking SCREENWRITER nervously blinks and darts eyes… PULL BACK – …as s/he sits amongst a glamorous audience CUT TO – INT.  AWARDS STAGE Stunningly gorgeous ACTRESS fondles an envelope as gorgeous ACTOR devilishly looks on. ACTRESS                         And the Oscar goes to… CUT TO – INT. …

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