Second Nature

Rivaling the crisp new leaves flapping in the spring breeze, their noisy excuses were abundant. “Revisions take so long and winter was so short, and that’s my best time to write.” “I can’t focus on writing with a stuffy head. The pollen was the worst!“ “All that rain made me blue. . .” “And now…

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Crash! No Burn…

For the first time in this modern technological age, my computer cracked up.  No ‘black screen of death.’  No smoke spiraled from the keyboard as ominous pipe organ music played.  No oozing blood like the stairs in “The Amityville Horror.”  Simply refusing to boot up was dramatic enough.  However, after several failed attempts and forced…

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A Blunt Object To Ease Self Doubt

Accepting her Golden Globe statuette for her performance in “Les Misérables,” Anne Hathaway humbly thanked the Hollywood Foreign Press Association “for this lovely blunt object, that I will forever use as a weapon against my self-doubt.”  A humble admission of her truth from this graceful, poised movie star. As writers, we are just like Hathaway…

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Today Is A Holiday Of Gratitude

Like a giant, motorized float, gratitude is paraded out and cheered at Thanksgiving, its ultimate holiday.  Many acknowledge what they are grateful for, even announcing it while sitting at a table with family, friends and a sumptuous feast, truly a gratitude-inducing event.  This continues into the year-end holidays, again around food, but with the addition…

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