Client Success: Lynne Byrd Celebrates Community Visionary and Best Friend
“I knew Joyce and her friends very well,” Lynne Barfield Byrd shared of her best friend Joyce Amacher, the community visionary who passed away in February 2017 and is featured in Lynne’s latest book The Queen of Dunwoody. Lynne and Joyce became fast friends when Lynne’s son and Joyce’s daughter dated and eventually married. They…
Read MoreClient Success: Joe Shumock’s Thriller Combines Human Cloning and Long Lost Love
“I enjoy writing stories a little out of the ordinary,” said Joe Shumock, author of the new thriller Sacrifice of the Lambs. “I’d been considering a book broaching the concept of human cloning for several years.” The fourth novel in his Letter Series involves returning character and retired CIA operative, Rage Doyle, who travels from…
Read MoreClient Success: Kathy Florence’s Novel Combines Tragedy, Atlanta History, and Southern Voice
“One particular childhood experience with my mother fueled my inspiration for Jaybird’s Song,” shared author Kathy Wilson Florence. “My mother’s reaction to a singular event was the moment that the extent of motherhood became clear to me. It’s a story I’ve told many times, I was anxious to write, and it appears early in my…
Read MoreHow A Good Editor Works
At a crucial juncture after the climactic scene when the subplot needed attention, his novel went in an unexpected direction. As his editor, I suggested removing the newly-introduced subplot to naturally steer the protagonist to the crucial needs of the woman he loved, the only issue to be addressed for final resolution. The author read…
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